Powerline Adaptors - You should have one near your system and another near your internet router
Step 1: Check that neither of these are plugged into an extension cord, as they only work efficiently when plugged directly into a wall socket. If it is, please move the Powerline Adaptor into a wall socket and continue to step 3.
Step 2: Turn off the Hub - This can be done by lifting the small panel on the front of the White box Labelled "Social Energy" then flicking the switches down one at a time starting from the left hand side.
Step 3: Re-pair your Powerline Adaptors, there is a helpful video on YouTube to help you do this, please click here. Move to Step 5 if you were moving from an extension cord.
Step 4: Power the Hub on by flicking the breaker switches into the on position (up)
Step 5: Check your App. After about an hour log into your Levelise App, on the dashboard there should be units consumed in the section called Demand. If this still shows 0, and you skipped step 2 please follow step 2. If all steps are complete, please email us at support@levelise.com for further help.