The Local Constraint Market (LCM) provides flexibility to help manage local constraints in Scotland (B4 and B6 boundaries).
The anticipated growth in renewable generation in Scotland is increasing power transfer across the Scottish boundaries, which are forecast to increase constraints at or above the B6 boundary and ultimately costs to the end consumer.
The B6 boundary separates the transmission network at the SP Transmission and National Grid Transmission interface running roughly along the border between Scotland and England.
We have committed as part of the ESO 5-Point plan to deliver a Local Constraint Market to help tackle the rising constraint costs at the B6 boundary.
Taking the learnings from the delivery of the Optional Downward Flexibility Management (ODFM) service, we’re keen to develop a market that facilitates access to new providers of flexibility and provide competition to the Balancing Mechanism – our existing market for the majority of transmission constraint management. Local Constraint Market | ESO (