Please make sure you have followed our Disconnection Troubleshooter before proceeding.
If you're still having issues reconnecting, please send an email to and we will work with you to resolve the problem. Here is what we need to be able to investigate further:
Please supply the following photos:
- Battery - showing any indicator lights
- Inverter(s) - showing the displays and the cables underneath
- Social Energy hub front - showing the meter display and switches (you may need to remove the small front cover to view these)
- Social Energy hub underside - showing where the cables connect
- Powerline adaptors or Wi-Fi extender, showing any indicator lights
- The connectors of the ethernet cables which connect the router to the powerline adaptor (where applicable) and the powerline adaptor to the hub (8 wires should be visible in these connectors, not 4)
- The back of your internet router
Please confirm the following information:
- Who your internet provider is
- What internet router model you have
- When your internet router was installed
- If you have any additional powerline adaptors in your property (this is only needed if your system is connected through a powerline adaptor)
- If any work had been done on your property around the date of disconnection
- If the display is shown on the Social Energy hub
- If you have you restarted the Social Energy hub as part of your troubleshooting attempts and all the blue switches are in the on (up) position
- If you have you restarted the router as part of your troubleshooting attempts
- If you are able to use a laptop with an ethernet port for additional troubleshooting
Once your email has been sent, that's all we need for now, we will get back to you as soon as we have had some time to investigate your system.